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如今,您可以使用许多平台来建立在线商店。 最受欢迎的两个选项是WooCommerce和Shopify,显而易见是因为两者都包含了很多功能。 实际上,在它们之间进行选择本身也是一个挑战。 在本文中,我们将在WooCommerce与Shopify这场辩论中给您提供一些可以参考的观点。 我们将从易用性,成本,可定制性和安全性方面对这两种平台进行比较,以帮助您选择最适合自己的平台。 让我们开始吧! 选择电子商务平台的时候什么是您需要关注的 电子商务平台的核心是为您提供创建产品页面和处理付款所需的基本工具。...
WooCommerce vs Shopify: Who Should Be Using Each Platform
There are a lot of platforms you can use to set up an online store nowadays. Two of the most popular options are WooCommerce and Shopify, and it’s easy to see why since they both pack so many features. In fact, choosing between them can be a challenge...
30 Customer Service Books Everyone at Your Company Should Read
Every person at a company should have customer service as a priority, whether they’re the CEO or a front-line support agent. We’ve collected 30 of the best customer service books, some that take a broad look at various aspects and others that drill down into niche...
Vanity Phone Numbers: Everything You Need to Know for Your Website or Business
Vanity phone numbers are easy for customers to remember, which also makes them better for brands to promote. Examples of toll-free vanity phone numbers are 1-800-CONTACTS and 1-800-FLOWERS. For the customer, there’s little guesswork because the wording relates so...
How to Easily Change the Author in WordPress
There are a number of times when you may want to change the author of a WordPress post. For example, if you have a ghostwriter (or several), the original author won’t be the person who you want a post published under. If you have a content hub with a lot of writers,...
A Simple Guide to Creating Your Company’s Brand Identity Kit
A brand identity kit is essential to the success of any company, both online and off. There are two main purposes of a brand identity kit: 1) For clients and followers to recognize a brand easily; and 2) As a set of rules for content creation. If you are here it’s...
Appointment Hour Booking: Plugin Overview
Emailing with clients back and forth to figure out the best time for you to get together, either virtually or in person, can get tedious and confusing. When you have an appointment booking interface on your website, both parties can communicate their availability...
Can a Standing Desk Help You Be Better at Your Job?
A couple of years ago, I made the executive decision to get rid of my couch. I replaced it with a set of chairs and matching ottomans, comfortable but not so tempting I’d plop down and work there all day. This wasn’t quite the same as making a leap to a...
How to Set Up and Operate Live Chat With WordPress
If you’re running a customer-facing business, making sure you have a happy relationship with your clients is vital for a smooth operation. Regardless of how good your product or service is, some will inevitably need an extra bit of help from time to time, and using...