Mar 6, 2019 | Resources
Your SEO strategy is strong. But have you thought about honing in on your local community? With a focus on local SEO, you can benefit from both general internet searches as well as specialized traffic that will bring in local customers and foot traffic. If you have a...
Feb 18, 2019 | Resources
You can insert an audio file through your media library, and you get a serviceable audio player. Press play, and it…plays. But you may need something a little more robust than that. Something with a little more flair and a lot more features. If that’s the case, pick...
Jan 17, 2019 | Design
Inspiration comes in many forms and professional development never ends. With that in mind, we have put together a massive list of web design blogs that can keep your brain fed for the entire year. But don’t worry. You won’t find any duds on this list. We respect your...
Nov 21, 2018 | Business
My dad worked from a home office for years, long before it was common or popular to have a commute as short as the hallway. He turned my brother’s old bedroom into an office, and he outfitted it with everything he needed. It was fully functional, stocked with all the...
Nov 3, 2018 | WordPress
Sometimes the traditional YouTube or Vimeo embedded player isn’t what you need. Maybe you are running a membership or media site, or maybe you have any of a thousand other reasons you don’t want your videos uploaded to a major platform. Or maybe you just don’t like...